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Content Writers: Don't Make Mistakes!

If you own a computer or laptop and you have internet connection, then you are able to write a blog post. Beginning a post is simple and when you have completed it, you have the ability at your fingertips to spread the word worldwide. Sadly, the ease of writing a blog often makes us lazy when writing what we want to say.

People who are writing blogs commonly get carried away with what they are writing about to take care that mistakes in spelling, grammar and punctuation are not made. Here are some points to assist the everyday blogger enhance the post and maximise their social media presence. If you look at what has been written below, your words are going to be read and appreciated.

1. Proofread what you have written thoroughly

If you proofread what you have written before you publish your blog, then you are on your way to making sure that it will be read and appreciated by many people. If you publish your blog without checking it first for any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors, then people will pass it by without taking in what you have written.

Blogs are written so that the writers can put across what they are thinking, more often than not, they are trying to tell us something important that they want to convey. The person writing the blog could be trying to tell us something really important, but if there are mistakes in it, then it will be disregarded and derogatory comments will be made for all to see.

Make sure you read your post three or four times checking for errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling before you sending it out to the wider audience. This will mean that it will be received and appreciated by many.

2. Edit for meaning

Write in the style you're accustomed to. Your blog, should tell the reader what type of person you are, so you must be careful about what you write and how you write it.

Furthermore, when writing blogs or posts which are to go on the internet, the public as a whole will be able to access your blog and read it. Make sure that what you have written can be seen by anyone from your work colleague to your manager. Equally, if you have written your post for the younger generation, do not use language that is too advanced.

3. Check your information

You must always be truthful when writing your blog.

Although you are not expected to produce actual quotations, nothing will influence the people reading your blog of errors if it is filled with misrepresentations and fictitious statistics. If you are writing a blog, do not use outrageous comments that are pretending to be facts.

I repeat, it is vital to check what you have written is correct before you publish it. Other people who write blog posts are usually highly critical and when you keep posting things which are not true, your blogs will always be questioned.

4. Do not make your blogs too long

Whilst being taught how to compose a blog post, you might have come across the mnemonic TL;DR. This means, “too long, didn’t read”. This mnemonic is used to tell the writer that the blog is not short enough to gain probable blog reviewers who will not read your blog if it is too long.

Nobody wants to even look at a lengthy post when they may be able to gain the same knowledge from a Twitter feed which is only 140 characters long. This directs me towards the last point I have to make to bloggers.

5. Do not go off at a tangent

If you are writing a blog about a certain subject, try and stick to that subject and do not go off at a tangent talking about other things. This will not entice your reader to either read on, or to read another of your posts when you republish.

TOP TIP: Ensure that your blog is interesting

If you want people to carry on reading your blog and to read further posts you might write, then make sure that what you write is always of interest. Also, check it through for spelling, grammar and punctuation to make sure that what you put out there on social media is credible and makes sense.

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