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Why It Is Important To Spell Correctly In Business

When writing anything for business purposes, it is vital that the words used are spelt correctly. There is nothing worse than reading something, be it an article in the paper or a document from another business and spotting a spelling error. It can irritate the person who is reading the article or document and could lead to them not using that particular company or reading that particular newspaper.

Making The Right First Impression

Nowadays, after a networking event, where do most people go to find out more about the companies whose representatives have given their business cards? Well, personally, I would have a look at their website and I am sure that many other people do the same. When I find their websites, there is nothing worse than reading one that has spelling and grammatical mistakes in it. As I am reading, I may 'gloss over' the punctuation mistakes (although I know I shouldn't), but if a word is spelt wrongly or the wrong word is used, i.e., the wrong there, then it will stand out and may prevent me from using their services to help me with my business requirements, even if I have liked the person when I met them at the networking event.

At the present time, I would not want to waste my time reading something that I do not understand because it has too many spelling errors, particularly if it is the website. If there is a spelling mistake in the introductory paragraph, then I would 'bounce' straight off again and the company may have lost a valuable customer.

The main reasons why it is important that correct spelling is used in business are:-

1 The message that I am putting across, is less likely to be misunderstood or misinterpreted.

2 Correct spelling gives me confidence that what I am reading has been written by a professional and reliable person.

3 An accurately spelt email shows that the writer cares about what they are saying and thus lets me know that you care about your business.

4 If there are words on a website or in a brochure or leaflet that are spelt incorrectly, then that company's reputation will suffer and the website ranking will be lower down on Google.

5 Poor spelling will cost the company money because I would not use their services if I think that the people who work for that company do not care enough about it's reputation.

So, to conclude, as you can see from the points I have raised, it is very important to use the correct spelling of words when writing anything for your business.

If you would like my help just to double check that what you have written either for your website or your other written/typed material is correct before it is printed or goes live, then please contact me either by email or phone, or you could look at my website: and fill in the enquiry form.

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